Partnership Project Awards

Important Information

Congratulations on receiving a NNLM All of Us Program Center (NAPC) Partnership Project Award! This page highlights important funding requirements and policies to follow during your project period.

NOTE: This guide provides guidance for NAPC-managed awards above $10,000. If you received an NAPC award for less than $10,000, please refer to our guide for Event Support Awards ($1-9,999).


Contact Us

NAPC Office Email:

NAPC Award Liaisons Emails: Refer to your funding notice of award from the NAPC

Please copy the NAPC Office Email in all award-related correspondence so we don’t miss your important messages!


Funding Statement

Any formally published works about your funded project must include the following funding statement:

This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Cooperative Agreement Number U24LM014070 with the University of Iowa, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, and the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.


NLM, NNLM, and All of Us Resources

Looking for engagement materials? Check out our Resource Library page for downloadable printouts, digital signs, and more! Contact your award liaison with any questions.


Sharing Your Project

We’d love to promote your project to recognize your important work and community impact with All of Us, the NNLM, and the general public. We encourage you to take pictures and share materials with us throughout your project as your organization’s media policy allows.

How to Apply

NOTE: As of March 2024, we are no longer accepting new letters of intent to apply for this award. We appreciate your interest and understanding.

The NNLM All of Us Program Center (NAPC) Partnership Project Award aims to support active partnerships between public libraries and All of Us healthcare provider organizations (HPOs) to increase All of Us enrollment, retention, and engagement with communities that are underrepresented in biomedical research.

To see if you have an All of Us enrollment partner in your area, check out this list of healthcare provider organization sites.

  • Maximum award amount: $30,000 each

All awards are cost-reimbursement subawards and are issued to the organization, not the individual. A contract with the University of Iowa is required prior to submission of invoices for fund distribution.

This award is funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Cooperative Agreement Number U24LM014070 with the University of Iowa, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, and the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.


Important Dates

  • Maximum project performance period: July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
  • Project activities and funding must be used only within this period.
  • Final reports and invoicing due: 1 month after project end.



To be eligible to apply, your organization must be:

We strongly encourage first-time NNLM award applicants and new NNLM members to apply!


How to Submit Your Proposal

Download and review the Proposal Guide (PDF) for detailed instructions on how to prepare a strong project proposal. Please review the entire guide prior to starting your proposal.

A complete proposal will include:

Submit materials through the Online Submission Form. Refer to the Screener Checklist (PDF) to see how your proposal will be reviewed.

Apply Now


Funding Requirements

When submitting your proposal, you must agree to meet the following requirements, if funding is offered:

  • Commit to collaborating with your local All of Us HPO partner
  • Conduct activities that support All of Us enrollment, retention, and/or engagement. Note: Library staff will not directly recruit or enroll participants for All of Us.
  • Work with your NAPC liaisons to ensure your project addresses award goals and funding requirements
  • Attend at least 3 one-on-one meetings with liaison (introduction, mid-point check-in, wrap up)
  • Submit the following reporting
    • Activity tracker, 1 record for each funded event or training
    • Monthly progress updates
    • Final retrospective
    • Complete other NNLM reporting as they apply
  • Complete the following evaluations
    • Distribute standard All of Us surveys for public events or staff trainings as they apply
    • Share evaluation data and created evaluation tools with the NAPC
    • Use a unique URL during project activities to direct patrons interested in enrolling in All of Us (provided by NAPC and/or All of Us partner)
  • Follow NLM and NIH funding policies

Full details on requirements and reporting previews can be found in the Proposal Guide.


Proposal Writing Resources



All award-related questions can be submitted to with the subject line “NAPC Partnership Project Award.”

Using Award Funds

NOTE: This guide provides guidance for NAPC-managed awards above $10,000. If you received an NAPC award for less than $10,000, please refer to our guide for Event Support Awards ($1-9,999).


How will we receive funds?

Once your contract is initiated, funding is provided on a cost-reimbursement basis to your organization. Reimbursements are issued to the organization, not the individual. A contract with the University of Iowa is required prior to submission of invoices for fund distribution.


Where do we send our invoices?

Send all invoices to the NAPC Office ( and cc your award liaison. The University of Iowa will reimburse your organization for expenses upon receipt of an invoice with all required information.


What should be in the invoice?

Download invoice template

Please refer to your contract with the University of Iowa to confirm what information needs to be submitted with invoices. At minimum, you will provide the following:

  1. Date
  2. Purchase Order number (PO#). This can be found in your contract or contact the NAPC Office. Your Purchase Order number is the same as your Subaward number and starts with an “S”.
  3. Project Title
  4. Invoice Number: This can be PO# - Invoice # (ex. S0234-001, S0234-002, etc.)
  5. Subaward Budget Amount
  6. Subaward Budget Period
  7. Each expense is listed as a line item
  8. Organization name and address
  9. Certification Statement (copy and paste into your invoice)
    • By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the Federal award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise. (U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001 and Title 31, Sections 3729–3730 and 3801–3812).
  10. Submitter’s Signature, Name, and Contact Info


How often can we submit an invoice?

Detailed invoices can be submitted as frequently as a monthly basis or as infrequently as one invoice at the end of your project.


When is the last day to submit invoices?

Please submit final invoices to the University of Iowa no later than 30 days after the end date of the Agreement for timely processing and payment. Refer to your contract for your project’s end date. Contact your award liaison if you foresee issues with submitting your final invoice in a timely manner.


What are allowable budget items?

Plans can change and so do budgets. Please communicate with your award liaison if you anticipate changes in your budget due to changes in project activities, external factors, or other reasons. Significant changes may not be permitted due to grant restrictions, so it is important to confirm with your award liaison prior to making budget changes.

If you need to revise your budget, please remember our general guidelines for allowable costs.

  • We WILL fund personnel time, equipment, materials & supplies, communications (publicity, etc.), consultants (speaker fees, designers, etc.), and indirect/F&A costs
  • We WILL NOT fund food, furniture, and promotional items.

An updated budget must be sent to your award liaison when changes are made. For more information on Allowable Costs, please see the NIH Grants Policy, the NNLM Funding FAQ, or contact us.

Reporting and Evaluation

NOTE: This guide provides guidance for NAPC-managed awards above $10,000. If you received an NAPC award for less than $10,000, please refer to our guide for Event Support Awards ($1-9,999).

Reporting on and evaluating funded projects is essential in improving program outcomes, sharing your successes, as well as securing future funding for your organizations and projects. What you share in these reports will help NAPC continue to advocate for funding programming in public libraries.

Your Project Workspace (link shared via email) will have templates for all reporting tools, which can be submitted directly through the workspace. Refer to your funding notice emails for direct links. You may want to bookmark them for future reference. You can always reach out to your NAPC Award Liaison with questions.

Preview NAPC Reporting Tools


Activity Tracker

For any project funded activities, record pre- and post-event details. This includes activities such as staff trainings, public programs, outreach events, social media campaigns etc. Post-event details include any evaluation survey results. Activities focused on planning, such as partner meetings or logistics planning, do not need to be recorded.

When to submit

Submit all activity data no later than 2 weeks after an activity ends. All Activity Tracker updates should be made directly in your Project Workspace.


Final Retrospective

The Final Retrospective is a brief, evidence-focused reflection on the impact of your project activities in your community. Parts of your Retrospective will also be shared in a publicly available Final Report, to highlight your activities and impact, so it’s a great place to share pictures, promotions, and published materials about your project.

Due date: 1 month after your project end date

Your Final Retrospective will be submitted as a document, as well as any supplementary files, directly to your Project Workspace.


Technology Report

Submit your Technology Report

Required only if you purchased technology using project funds. Summary of technology purchases and use.

Due: May 15, 2024

Please note: NIH, NLM, and/or NNLM may request additional information for reporting purposes throughout the project performance period.



To evaluate the success and impact of your project in meeting your planned goals, refer to our Evaluation Guide for a comprehensive overview of requirements and tools. Partnership Project Awards must:

  • Distribute standard NAPC Survey Questions for public events or staff trainings
  • Share back raw data from NAPC Survey Question responses
  • Share any additional evaluation instruments with your NAPC Evaluation Liaison
  • Use a unique URL in print and digital materials for activity participants to access the Join All of Us website
  • Be invited to participate in a post-project focus group to share feedback on the project and partnership experience

NIH and NLM Policies

Funding Acknowledgement Statement

Any resources developed with project funds must include an acknowledgment of NIH grant support:

English Version

This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Cooperative Agreement Number U24LM014070 with the University of Iowa, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, and the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.

Spanish Version

Este proyecto está financiado por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM), Los Institutos Nacionales de la salud (NIH), el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (DHHS); bajo el acuerdo cooperativo Número U24 LM014070 con la Universidad de Iowa, la Biblioteca Hardin para las Ciencias de la Salud y el Sistema de Bibliotecas de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Pittsburgh.


Communications Approval

If your organization plans to publish any formal communications (press releases, blog posts, public announcements, etc.) about your funding or funded project activities, you must receive formal approval from the NAPC prior to publication.

To initiate the approval process, you must submit the request to your NAPC award liaison with a draft of the publication and a list of possible distribution channels. The NAPC will review and approve any public communications requests within 5-7 business days.


Logo Policy

In accordance with NLM’s Logo Policy, you may not use the NIH, NLM, NNLM, or All of Us logos on any created materials. Please use the Funding Acknowledgement Statement in lieu of the logos.


508 Compliance

Web-based resources developed for the project should strive to ensure accessibility to the greatest possible number of people by adhering to standards described in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Accessible virtual programs and projects are required. Allowable related costs may include closed captioning, American Sign Language (ASL)/Spanish Sign Language (SSL)/Mexican Sign Language (LSM)/other forms of interpretation, and other accessibility and inclusion methods determined by the awardee based on community needs.


Data Sharing and Development of Training Materials

To facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and information associated with the NNLM Cooperative Agreement Award, all awardees are required to share any data or training material resulting from funding by the end of the project period. In addition, recipients of funding are expected to use or adapt existing training materials before developing new materials. Consult with your NAPC liaison prior to developing materials.


NIH Public Access Policy and Copyright

The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH-funded research. Recipients of NNLM funding are required to deposit any peer-reviewed manuscript upon acceptance for publication in PubMed Central.

Per Section 8.2.1. - Right in Data (Publication and Copyrighting) of the NIH Grants Policy Statement, the NIH must be given a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license for the Federal government to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use any materials developed as a result of funding and to authorize others to do so for Federal purposes, i.e. the ongoing development of the Network of the National Library of Medicine. Data developed by award participants and consultants are also subject to this policy.


Human Subjects Research

To adhere with NLM-mandated requirements regarding Human Subjects Research (HSR) for funded projects, all awarded projects will undergo review at the University of Iowa for HSR components.


Additional Information

NNLM Guidelines for Award Requirements

NNLM Funding FAQs

This page was last updated on: 07/30/24 12:19