Making the Case

We think supporting participation in biomedical research and advancing precision medicine through digital literacy, health literacy, and community science literacy is important and we hope you do too.

We've provided some information and resources about each of these focus areas below for you to consider, and take to your community stakeholders to get them on board too.

Making the Case

Diversity in Biomedical Research

We recognize the importance of diverse representation in biomedical research. That’s because we’re all unique. Here’s why we’re doing something about it. Even if you have the same disease as someone else, the right medicine for you may not be the right medicine for them.

Diversity in Biomedical Research

Digital Literacy

What does digital literacy have to do with participating in biomedical research? Digital literacy skills and access to and confidence in using technology are essential for participation in biomedical research, especially All of Us, which is almost entirely digital.

Digital Literacy

Health Literacy

Health literacy skills can help you make an informed decision about and activity participate in biomedical research. Personal health literacy is the degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others.

Health Literacy

Precision Medicine

Traditionally, health care has taken a one-size-fits-all approach in developing treatments and strategies for the “average” person - but these treatments may not work well for individual people, because everyone is unique. How can medicine and research take individuality into consideration in tailoring treatment and prevention strategies for more effective health care?

Precision Medicine

Community Science Literacy

Community Science helps accelerate research and discovery, and increases our understanding of the world. As we face global challenges, there are local ways for us to be engaged in issues that affect our community health, environmental health, human genetics, technology, and innovation.

Community Science Literacy

How can Public Libraries support participation in biomedical research through health literacy, digital literacy, community science literacy and precision medicine?

Here are some ideas!

  • Strengthen digital and health literacy capacities for potential and current participants.
  • work with public libraries to leverage community science work to help participants better understand and use health information they receive back from All of Us and to participate in research as Researchers and not just participants.
  • introduce the concept of precision medicine so people better understand the goals of All of Us and how it can positively impact their health
  • advocate for diversity in research to address health inequity.

How can you get involved?

I’m interested but want to know more:

Start by joining the Network of the National Library of Medicine! It's free with no obligation.

Then take our free consumer health information classes at your convenience where ever you have internet access. Finally, contact us to talk about how we can help you get your community excited about participating in biomedical research!

I’m interested but don’t have a lot of time, staff, or resources:

Check out our learning activities and program kits.

Looking for something but don’t see it? Drop us a line and tell us about it!

I’m in and ready to get started!

Let’s talk! Email us at and one of our Engagement Specialists will get back to you to design your very own customized engagement experience.

This page was last updated on: 03/18/24 14:23